Camp Bible
Each girl & leader receives 1 Camp Bible on the first day of camp.
A ribbon is attached (hole punched in the corner), so they can wear it around their neck all week long.
That's right! No losing it! No saying they didn't know when or what was going on! ;)
It includes:
Each girl & leader receives 1 Camp Bible on the first day of camp.
A ribbon is attached (hole punched in the corner), so they can wear it around their neck all week long.
That's right! No losing it! No saying they didn't know when or what was going on! ;)
It includes:
- Camp Rules
- YW Theme & Camp Scripture Theme
- Leader & YCL names
- Cabin Assgts
- Chore Assgts chart
- KP Duty Assgts chart
- Cleaning Instructions
- Song & words (30 pages) https://sites.google.
com/site/greatgirlscampsongs/ - Table of Contents (so songs can be found easily)
- this yr we are adding "My Thoughts" page to go with the assigned daily scripture.
A member of our stake owns a print shop, so our cost per book is low.
We feel this is worth the cost!