Marshmallow Song
No Strings Attached
this and that...a little bit of anything and everything!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Camp Planning Checklist
Quick Glance: Camp Planning
for Ward Camp Directors and Leaders
Ward Camp Directors assigned to wards (I email bishops in Dec.)
General Info.
Meeting for WCDs (Ward Camp Directors)
Submit names for
Ward Camp Leader(s)
Brainstorm Camp Fundraising Ideas and Dates (Any YW need a 10 hour project?
They can help organize this event!)
Have a Parent
Info. Meeting in your ward (I suggest doing this right after church- 15
Register YW online
& Collect Signed Forms (Medical Release & Rules Contract)
Invite ALL YW and
their Parents to Camp Kick-Off (Don’t forget 11y/o girls who turn 12 before
Sept. 1st)
Ward Camp Leaders
called and invited to Camp Kick-Off
Camp Kick-Off
Collect 1 check from
your ward- see your Ward Clerk
All Forms and
Checks turned in to Stake Camp Director (end of May)
ALL 1st-4th yr. campers must
attend Camp Certification Day!!!!
Camp Certification Day- May 27th (we will meet as leaders
during this time)
Skit/Lip Sync (Any
YW need a 10 hr project? They can help organize this!)
Cabin Banners made
Priesthood &
Bishops Invited to come on assigned day.
Invite 11 y/o
Girls to attend camp on Thursday
Confirm that girls
have all their supplies
Collect Secret
Sister gifts
First Aid
Certification Make-up
Bishop invited to
camp Friday evening?
understand their assignment and are coming their assigned day?
Dancing Queen parody- Camping Queen
Camp Leaders-
Need a great way to kick start camp and be fun and silly for the girls?
Sing and dance to Camping Queen!!
Camping Queen ("Dancing Queen"parody)
You can camp, you can survive
Having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene
Being the Camping Queen.
Tuesday night and the clouds are low
Looking where the tent should go
Where the ground is higher
Anyone can see
You've really got to go pee
Anywhere could be that spot
The night is young and it's not real hot
You forgot a bunch of stuff
But everything is fine
You're in the mood to camp
And when you know you're a champ
You are the Camping Queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Camping Queen
You'd make any boy want to scream
Oh yeah,
You are not
A young Beehive
You're in the prime of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene'
Being the Camping Queen
You know your pranks are number one
Scaring leaders is so much fun
When you have the right tools
Camping really rules
You're in the mood to camp
And when you get the cramps
You are the Latrine Queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Latrine Queen
Feel the gas from those camping beans
You can build
A fire surprise
Having the time of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene
Being the Camping Queen
Being the Camping Queen
Need a great way to kick start camp and be fun and silly for the girls?
Sing and dance to Camping Queen!!
Camping Queen ("Dancing Queen"parody)
You can camp, you can survive
Having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene
Being the Camping Queen.
Tuesday night and the clouds are low
Looking where the tent should go
Where the ground is higher
Anyone can see
You've really got to go pee
Anywhere could be that spot
The night is young and it's not real hot
You forgot a bunch of stuff
But everything is fine
You're in the mood to camp
And when you know you're a champ
You are the Camping Queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Camping Queen
You'd make any boy want to scream
Oh yeah,
You are not
A young Beehive
You're in the prime of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene'
Being the Camping Queen
You know your pranks are number one
Scaring leaders is so much fun
When you have the right tools
Camping really rules
You're in the mood to camp
And when you get the cramps
You are the Latrine Queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Latrine Queen
Feel the gas from those camping beans
You can build
A fire surprise
Having the time of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene
Being the Camping Queen
Being the Camping Queen
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Super Hero YW Camp 2014
2014 YW's Camp
Scripture theme: "Come Unto Christ"
sub-theme: "Finding the Power Within"
**Pinterest board with ideas:
Quick Glance: Planning for Camp
November 2013: 6th yrs helped Stake Camp Director and Assistants choose this year's theme.
Super Heros!!!!!
They assigned all Wards and YCLs a Super Hero
(Spiderman, Batman, Hulk, Captain America, Wonderwoman(Stake), Thor, Ironman)
December 2013: Bishops called Ward Camp Directors (WCDs)
January 2014: Stake Camp Director met with all WCDs for camp info.
February 2014: Stake Camp Director met with all Stake Camp Specialists
(Cook, Crafts, Lifeguards, YCL Leaders, Nurse, Certification, Personal Progress Tent...)
March 2014: WCDs hold a Camp Fundraiser
April 2014: Camp Kick-off
May 2014: First Aid Certification Day & Camp fee/registration due
June 2014: Ward Camp Leaders Called and Camp Supplies Collected and Skits/Cabin Banners made
August 4th - 9th IT'S CAMP TIME !!!!
Monday: Stake Leaders and YCLs arrive at camp
Decorate Camp Stage and setup Camp
Devotional to YCLs on Leadership and Unity
Tuesday: "Calling All Superheros"
Welcome to Camp Orientation- Rules & Pictures
Camp Certification
Super Hero Training/Obstacle Course (rope maze, oversized Jenga, frisbee toss, "flying" race)
Campfire Devotional "You Are Awesome"
Wednesday: Hike Day
Afternoon Scripture Devotional
Singing Trees (Every ward choose a song to sing in among the trees with lights out)
Thursday: "Saving Souls" Day--Wear your CAPE!
11 year-old Visiting for the Day (next yr's 1st yrs)
Certification (Everything but First Aid requirements)
Sister Missionary Afternoon Devotional (We had them each share why they came on a mission, had girls ask them questions, then finished with them each sharing their testimony of missionary work)
Spiritual Walk (Iron Rod activity)
"Faith Walk" Details
We didn't want any of the girls to have the slightest clue what we were up to.
We had all the girls in our Craft Cabin with a Missionary activity.
We had them writing letters to missionaries from our stake and some of the adult leaders were sharing stories and letters from their missionaries. We randomly, without any of them knowing what we were doing, would grab a few girls and take them outside and blind fold them.
The leader, after blind folding the girl, would escort her to the beginning of the rope and she would tell them, "Do not let go no matter what! Keep your hands on until you hear Sis. Miller tell you to let go and that you're finished."
The rope was a few feet away from the Craft Cabin and it was strung throughout the grove of trees. We wrapped it around the trees and made an "iron rod" that led them to our stage. It was hard at times, because we had it going over a fallen trees, and where one rope ended and another started, it was confusing, especially since they were blindfolded! It was dark, no lights!!
We staggered the girls so they weren't all starting at the same time and had space to move at their own speed. Throughout the grove of trees we had "whisperers" near the rope. About 4 leaders represented Satan's voice of trying to lure them away and about 4 leaders that represented the Holy Ghost, it was an encouraging voice that told them how far they still had to go and to keep holding tight. It was interesting to us that about 3/4 of the girls let go in the middle of the rope. That particular leader was lying and telling the girls that they could be finished and let go now and that they didn't need to go all the way. At the end, I was there, dressed in white and told them, "I'm Sister Miller and I'm going to remove your blindfold" I gave them a hug and then they went to the stage and received a hug from the Stake YW Pres. and a card. Earlier that day, we asked all the leaders to write special thoughts and compliments to each of the girls in their ward on cards that we provided. So, all the girls had a card from their leaders that they sat and read privately while they were waiting. We also had music playing and the girls had their scriptures and journals with them that they were encouraged to read. (Stake Leaders and I all wore white that evening.)
After all the girls were finished, we had a short devotional on their self worth and having the power within themself to make it to the end- to their heavenly home. We shared our thoughts on Lehi's Dream and the iron rod and asked them all to remember their Savior's love for them. The front of the card that we provided for the leaders to write for them said, "God's love is there for you, whether you deserve it or not, " by Holland. We shared the story about the women who thought she was like a beat up, torn $20 bill and how it's still worth the full $20 regardless of the state it's in.
It was a powerful evening.
1 thing I would change if I did it was a super long activity! For about 100 girls, I think it took us at least 2- 2 1/2 hours. For those girls that went first, they had to sit there on the hard benches for that length of time and wait. Many of the girls enjoyed watching the reactions of their friends coming from the rope. For those leaders in the Craft Cabin, the girls were getting super restless, so we should have provided more activities/games.
Friday: Service Day
Mile Swim (early in the morning, swim across lake)
Campfire Breakfast burritos
Service Project (5th yr YCLs in charge of this)
Stake Presidency Afternoon Devotional/Activity
Bishops Come!!- Dinner and Devotional
Campfire Testimonies
Saturday: Clean-up and Head Home
***I made Wonder Woman aprons for our Kitchen helpers! I also made 26 capes that we gave out to all our Priesthood Brethren and Sister Missionaries that came and helped at camp! ***
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Frozen birthday
Frozen Birthday
for my 6 yr. old
for my 6 yr. old
Laminate the invite and then put into a baggie with water and freeze.
(About 1/2 of my invites weren't laminated well and the colors bled, so make sure the invite is sealed nicely.)
Party Schedule:
10am- Build a Snowman out of Playdoh (add white glitter to playdoh so it sparkles!)
10:15- Don't Eat Olaf (same rules as "Don't Eat Pete")
DIRECTIONS: Place one small candy on top of each picture. Send the first child away from the room and have the remaining children choose which Olaf will be "IT". Then have the first child come back and begin eating the candy, one at a time. As soon as the child tries to pick up the candy that was chosen as "OLAF", everyone yells, "Don't eat OLAF!!!!" Add candies to all the pictures and send out the next child to play again.
10:35- Snowball toss
DIRECTIONS: Place a tower of cups on a surface and give all the children a turn to toss "snowballs" at it. We used small styrofoam balls for tossing. If you have enough "snowballs" you can let the kids have a "snowball fight".
10:50- Olaf's nose (same rules as "Pin the Tail on the Donkey")
DIRECTIONS: Blindfold each child and have them try to get the nose as close to the correct spot as possible.
11:00- Marshmallow Shootout
DIRECTIONS: Use plasic spoons and cotton balls. Use spoon like a slingshot and pull back and let the cotton balls fly- trying to hit Marshmallow in the head!
11:20- Wrap up Olaf
DIRECTIONS: Use cheap toilet paper from the Dollar store. Each child has a partner and takes turn wrapping the other one with the toilet paper and other embellishments like a carrot nose and scarf. Take lots of pictures!! Have the kids wait 'til you say "Go", then have them break out of the toilet paper. Then switch!
11:35- Cake and Gifts
Simple Snowman cake with glitter sprinkles ice cream in middle. (Nose made from orange gummi slices)
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Party Gift (Chocolate Hugs with "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm Hugs!" and some other trinkets.) |
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